Are you having a down week, month or year and can’t figure out what has you out of balance? At some point almost everyone goes through a period of time when we’re feeling a bit off, don’t have the energy we should have, or just plain don’t feel right.
We have provided a wellness chart to keep track of factors pertaining to how you feel every day. There is no substitute for a regular checkup with your doctor to help determine if there are any medical-related factors effecting your health. Always discuss your health conditions with your doctor as a first priority.
Sometimes referred to as a health diary, our Five-Day Wellness Chart is designed to help you determine what might be slowing you down if your sluggishness or blues aren’t being caused by an illness your doctor can identify. What we eat and drink alone can have a significant impact on the way we feel every day. In addition, if we take into account how much sleep and the quality of sleep you’re getting we can sometimes put together a formula for a healthier, happier lifestyle.
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Using the Wellness File to Log Your Health
For instance, if on a certain day you feel sluggish and tired you will make an entry in the provided form explaining the conditions of sleep and eating habits of the recent past. You’ll make entries on the form at least once a day for five days to keep track of how you’re feeling in response to your sleep and your diet. At the end of the five days you’ll need to compare your good days with your bad days and determine the differences. You will need to keep a wellness log for usually 2-3 weeks before you’ll begin to see a pattern emerge. If you’ve had a day where you traveled a great distance, had the stomach flu or anything else out of the ordinary those days need to be marked as out of the ordinary and perhaps not tracked at all. Each week start a new 5-day wellness sheet whether you’re feeling poorly or feeling great. You’ll want to know which behavior and eating patterns make you feel your best. If stress is a factor in your life, you may elect to rank your stress on a 1-10 scale daily as well.
There are numerous nutritional programs to assist with your overall wellness. One book that I wholeheartedly recommend is “Eating Right 4 Your Type” by Peter D’Adamo which makes dietary suggestions based on the special characteristics of your specific blood type. Also a great gadget and software for tracking your daily activity is available in a product called Fitbit. Neither for the book or the Fitbit are we providing a paid endorsement nor are we being compensated for their mention in this post. I have read the book and used the Fitbit personally and recommend them based on my personal experience. The combination of our Wellness Chart and other resources hopefully will provide you with the information you need to weed out the things that drag you down and increase the activities that lift you up. We wish you the best of luck!