To Do List

Personal To-Do List

We have provided this to do list in a PDF format so that you can click to type your personal or work-related to-do list. This form is printable as an empty form or as a completed form and can also be saved to your computer to be used over and over again.

What is a to do list you might ask? Being organized on a daily or weekly basis sometimes requires the keeping of a printable list that helps keep track of tasks that need to be done. A fillable form like this to do list has become a popular way to keep track of activities and check off completed tasks.

Boost your personal productivity by organizing your daily or weekly tasks in order of priority. Provided are areas to note personal or work tasks, errands and contacts that you need to make.

Prioritize your follow up emails or phone calls and delegate them to a particular time or order. Using a written daily to-do list template is a proven method of improving your productivity each day. Our to do list is available for free download but is intended for personal use only.

Personal To-Do List

To Do List Download Information
Download To Do List Here
Requires ®Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader
License: For Personal Use, Not for Distribution

How To Use This Personal To-Do List PDF

Personal productivity experts agree that putting your intentions in writing is an important step in getting organized. For the first few days you may find the process to be mundane, and you may be discouraged at not completing everything on the list. After using this for several days you’ll find that quick (five minute or less) tasks are best organized together and that large tasks requiring an hour or more may be best suited to be broken up into steps. Committing your to-do list to paper will also alleviate the often overlooked daily stress of trying to remember everything.

Click the link above to download and view the personal to-do list. Make a to do list for yourself with this easy to use PDF fillable form. Click to begin typing remarks, events or other items planned for the given period on the to do list form. Use the check fields, meaning that you can click individual items to mark them with a check mark, indicating which tasks are completed and which tasks are yet to be completed.

Provided with this form are the rights and capabilities to print and save the document as you wish. The yellow instruction box at the top of the document will not appear on printed copies. This list is intended for personal use only. There is no business license offered for this item and this item may not be re-distributed for any purpose. A link to this page containing the download is the intended sharing method.

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