Job interviews can be a hectic process for a manager. The task of facilitating an interview process that is thorough requires a number of simple tools to keep the information organized. This interview survey is designed to survey the key criteria widely attributed to identifying the best job candidates.
This form is available for download in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format for printing and immediate use. Developed by an experienced recruiter, HR Manager and career coach who has conducted hundreds of interviews, this form is designed to capture a survey of the top questions a successful interviewer should be pondering.
This easy to use, single page interview form is now available, and can be downloaded in minutes. A must have document for any hiring manager to quickly document the impressions of a job candidate in a form that can be visually compared at a glance in seconds. This form is the definitive filter and tie-breaker to make hiring decisions easier – based on a valuable formula of criteria. The professional Post-Interview form in .PDF format includes a single, printable file with a ready-to-use design requiring no modification.
The Premium Post Interview Form is available as one of the documents in the:
Premium Job Application Hiring Bundle