This is a basic request letter sample. A letter of request is typically written when you want to ask for something.
It can be used to request a raise or credit reference or even a job interview. It can also be used if you need specific information or if you need a third party to write a letter on your behalf. Lastly, this type of document is commonly use to request a proposal from another business.
For this simple letter, if you are just asking for an interview, there is no need to include a resume. If requesting a raise, be straight and to the point and thank your employer for taking it under consideration. If you need information, let the reader know why you need the info and thank them for getting it for you.
If asking a third party to write the letter, remind them how you know one another and the specifics that you would like to have in your letter.
Download Letter of Request Example
Customize Simple Request Letter Sample
Customize Letter of Request for Credit Reference
Customize Letter of Request for Credit Report

Letter of Request Example