When sending a resume to a potential employer, it is always a good idea to send a cover letter along with the resume.
The basic cover letter introduces yourself to the company and allows you to possibly highlight any special skills or achievements you would like the reader to acknowledge.
We have provided below a basic version of this letter in Microsoft Word format as well as plain text below the image.
Download Basic Cover Letter Template

Basic Cover Letter Template
Your cover letter is the proverbial “front door”, and by gaining an edge with it you’ll beat more than half of your competition. You can learn how to create cover letters by reviewing examples written by professional writers.
To Whom It May Concern:
On the merit of talents and experience expressed in the accompanying résumé, I am seeking your recommendation for the position of “…title of position…”. With more than “…years experience..” years experience in a role that utilizes numerous skills and functions of your position, you will find me to be highly capable and efficient in carrying out these responsibilities effectively for “…name of business/organization…”.
It is my goal and intent to continue growth within the profession of “..nature of work…”. My track record of development as a/an “…previous title held…” makes for a perfect match with the requirements of your position. The accomplishments noted within my résumé are those, which illustrate the value and vision that I can bring to your team. It is with incentive for growth and personal development that I request your review of my credentials carefully.
I will welcome a personal interview to further explore this opportunity within the department. I can be reached in confidence at the above telephone numbers or via email, and look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Your Name